WHat cricketing nations should be playing more test cricket or t20 or odi

WHat cricketing nations should be playing more test cricket or t20 or odi

It has become a very big debate in the indian cricket nowadays that what indian indian cricketing calender should be.
india in the past calender year has played 37 odi 5 t20 and 8 test matches.these stats clearly indicate the downfall in the number of test matches.
Due to playing in ipl chris gayle reached england only 2 days before the beginning of test series between Enland and West Indies.Andrew Strauss England's caiptan,certainly was not happy with this and also spoke in press against this neligence by Gayle.
Are we getting emotional about test cricket or we should move on.Do we need to sort out the priorities of test cricket over t20.
Australia has played 112 days of cricket in the last calender year wheras india has played only 85 days.
But don't forget the days which the indian players have sweated out during the IPL.So,is the IPL eating out the days from international cricketing calender for india.
NOw the youth generation of India is being brougt up on T20.So is this right for developing cricketing skill and technique of the yonger generation crickers.
NOw icc is following the policy of"changing the rules and bringing out new formats".Are we getting greedy,do we need to rechech or do reaility check.

But there is other side out coin also which we would have to take into account.
international players from smaller countries like New Zeland and Ireland play for 6 months and then work for six months in small business.The carrer of a cricket is very small,at most they could play 15-16 years.So is it wrong if the players are trying to make some quick money.
I think there should be mix of t20,odi or tests and the caleder should be such that all the forms should be given equal preference.


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About This Blog

Yuvraj Singh is a cricketer from India, and the son of former Indian fast bowler and Punjabi movie star Yograj Singh. He has been a member of the Indian cricket team since 2000 when he first started playing odi's and played his first Test match in 2003. He was the vice captain of the ODI team from 2007 to 2008. At the 2007 World 20-20 he hit six sixes in an over against England's Stuart Broad - it was performed three times previously in any form of senior cricket, and never previously in an international match between two Test cricket nations.

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