Kevin pieterson and his stand towards test cricket i think is funny

KP last week commented that Test Cricket is going to Die Within 10 years,but i think that he is wrong in his stand since test cricket has been in the arena now for more than 100 years now.Many forms of cricket have come and gone but test cricket still retains its special place in the heart of spectators.IPL has affected its popularity to some extent,but i think that there are still many people who feel that test cricket is the ultimate form of cricket.If test cricket doesn't exists then how would we see those swinging and seeming balls,how we will se those straight drives from Sachin tendulkar and those lovely classic coverdrives from Rahul dravid and those lovely wristy shorts from VVS Laxman.
I agree that money is more in T20 and IPL but have you ever thought that to whom this money is going to,you guessed it right,to those people who have performed well in the longer versions like test cricket and have some brand name in the cricketing fraternity.
I think that whichever form of cricket you play you need the quality and talent to excell.
So cheers to test cricket.


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Yuvraj Singh is a cricketer from India, and the son of former Indian fast bowler and Punjabi movie star Yograj Singh. He has been a member of the Indian cricket team since 2000 when he first started playing odi's and played his first Test match in 2003. He was the vice captain of the ODI team from 2007 to 2008. At the 2007 World 20-20 he hit six sixes in an over against England's Stuart Broad - it was performed three times previously in any form of senior cricket, and never previously in an international match between two Test cricket nations.

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