aussies prepairing for a fightback

English media before the ashes test was praising their team and their players
to sky highs, they were saying that their bowlers would pose a serious threat to
the australian batsman and the Australians are going to have a tough time.Although australia lost the test match but the battleing performances by simon katich,ricky pointing,michael clarke and mitchell johnson in the cardiff test have shut the mouth of english media.

After the injury of kevin pieterson and flintoff's participation in the next test match also seems vulnerable.I think England are going to have a tough time in the Edgbaston test match.


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Yuvraj Singh is a cricketer from India, and the son of former Indian fast bowler and Punjabi movie star Yograj Singh. He has been a member of the Indian cricket team since 2000 when he first started playing odi's and played his first Test match in 2003. He was the vice captain of the ODI team from 2007 to 2008. At the 2007 World 20-20 he hit six sixes in an over against England's Stuart Broad - it was performed three times previously in any form of senior cricket, and never previously in an international match between two Test cricket nations.

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